The Suma Oriental of Tomé Pires and the Book of Francisco ...
pertama, yang disebut hanya muncul pada awal abad ke-16 dalam Suma Oriental karangan Tomé Pires, tetapi hilang pada akhir abad itu). Oleh demikian Francisco Rodrigues. (Hakluyt Society. Bernard Quaritch 0 15s. Od.) FOR geographers and others interested in early accounts of the East by European travellers 'The Suma oriental, from the Red Sea to China'. Tomé Pires. Date: 1512-15. Original Language: Portuguese. Description. The Suma oriental as it exists in the Tomé Pires celebrizou-se como primeiro embaixador português enviado à China e também como autor da Suma Oriental, o primeiro grande tratado de The Suma oriental of Tomé Pires : an account of the East ... Dec 23, 2015 · The Suma oriental of Tomé Pires : an account of the East, from the Red Sea to Japan, written in Malacca and India in 1512-1515 ; and, the book of Francisco Rodrigues, rutter of a voyage in the Red Sea, nautical rules, almanack and maps, written and drawn in the East before 1515 (PDF) The Suma Oriental of Tome Pires.pdf | Jawad Mughofar ...
A propósito do ilustre boticário quinhentista Tomé Pires. Revista Portuguesa de Farmácia, 13,3 (1963), p. 298-307. Lectura complementària. Cortesão, A. A Suma Oriental de Tomé Pires e o Livro de Francisco Rodrigues. Coimbra, 1978. Cortesão, A. Primeira ambaixada europeia à China. o boticário e embaixador Tomé Pires. Lisboa, 1945. The Suma Oriental of Tome Pires : Armando Cortesao ... Apr 18, 2011 · The Suma Oriental of Tome Pires : An Account of the East, from the Red Sea to Japan, written in Malacca and India in 1512-1515, and The Book of Francisco Rodrigues, Rutter of a Voyage in the Red Sea, Nautical Rules, Almanack and Maps, Written and Drawn in the East before 1515 Volume II The Suma Oriental of Tome Pires and the Book of Francisco ... The Suma Oriental of Tome Pires and the Book of Francisco Rodrigues by Cortesao, Armando/ Pires, Tome and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at
The Suma Oriental of Tomé Pires: An Account of the East ... The Suma Oriental of Tomé Pires An Account of the East, from the Red Sea to Japan, written in Malacca and India in 1512-1515, and The Book of Francisco Rodrigues, Rutter of a Voyage in the Red Sea, Nautical Rules, Almanack and Maps, Written and Drawn in the East before 1515 Volume I, 1st Edition The_Suma_Oriental_of_Tome_Pires - to w iff I 1 I W aw I ... View Essay - The_Suma_Oriental_of_Tome_Pires from HST 202 at Edison State Community College. to w iff I 1 I W aw I Mil 31 II II il WORKS ISSUED 13* XEbe IbaMu^t Society THE SUMA ORIENTAL OF TOME The Suma Oriental of Tomé Pires: An Account of the East ... The Suma Oriental of Tomé Pires: An Account of the East, from the Red Sea to Japan, written in Malacca and India in 1512-1515, and The Book of Francisco Rodrigues, Rutter of a Voyage in the Red Sea, Nautical Rules, Almanack and Maps, Written and Drawn in the East before 1515 Volume I - CRC Press Book Suma Oriental, by Tomé Pires, edited by Rui Manuel ...
pertama, yang disebut hanya muncul pada awal abad ke-16 dalam Suma Oriental karangan Tomé Pires, tetapi hilang pada akhir abad itu). Oleh demikian
PDF | On Apr 1, 1952, H.J. De Graaf and others published Tomé Pires’ ,,Suma Oriental” en het tijdperk van godsdienstovergang op Java | Find, read and cite all the research you need on Tomé Pires and the rise of the Portuguese empire - the ... The "Suma Oriental" was written in 1518 by Tomé Pires. The work was written for the king, Manuel I, and it is a report that focuses on the different economies within the Portuguese empire. At first glance Pires does not seem an important man. He was the pharmacist for the sick son of King Joao II, Prince Afonso. The Suma Oriental of Tomé Pires and the Book of Francisco ... Mar 01, 2011 · The Suma Oriental of Tomé Pires and the Book of Francisco Rodrigues.Translated from the Portuguese MS., and edited by Armando Cortesão. 2 … Suma Oriental - Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas
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